
Monday, 1 June 2020

Neem- Sarva roga nivarini

Neem (Azadirachta indica) is a tree from India and other parts of South and Southeast Asia. Neem is used as natural medicine, fungicide, pesticide and fertilizer and so, it has attracted a considerable amount of international interest. Indian Ayurvedic texts have described the Neem tree by associating its remarkable healing properties from as far back as 5000 BC. Its leaves were first founded at the excavation of Mohanjo-Daro in the era of Australoid and Dravidian (2000 BC). Ayurvedic texts in Sanskrit describes neem as ‘Sarva roga nivarini’ – (the universal healer or curer of all ailments), ‘Arishtha’ (perfect, complete and imperishable) and ‘Nimba’ from the term ‘Nimbati Syasthyamdadati’ which means ‘to give good health’. Even today, rural Indians refer neem as their ‘village pharmacy”. 
Almost every part of the Neem tree has been documented for some medicinal use. They are: Tonic and anti-periodic (root bark, stem bark, and young fruit), antiseptic and local stimulant (seed, oil, and leaves), stimulant tonic and stomachic (flowers), demulcent tonic (gum), and refreshing, nutrient, and alternative tonic (toddy).The ‘ Upavanavinod ’, an ancient Sanskrit treatise dealing with forestry and agriculture, cites neem as a cure for ailing soils, plants and livestock. Neem cake, the residue from the seeds after oil extraction increases soil fertility.
A neem tree in the front yard brings a lot of benefits. It gives out more oxygen than other trees. It purifies the polluted air. 

Neem, known for its medicinal properties is an effective herb to treat hair loss, dandruff and also encourages hair growth. Neem helps in healing mild skin problems like rashes, irritation, burns and infections with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps in nourishing dry skin. Apart from this, consuming neem on a daily basis also destroys excess bacteria in the intestinal region and cleanses your colon, further facilitating a smoother digestion. So guys, starting using neem leaves or neem powder on daily basis and e healthy!!If you have some space in your garden, plant neem and get some oxygen!!

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