
Friday, 29 May 2020


Soap nuts were the primary cleansing agents for bathing. Soap nuts are also known as soap berries,  Kumkudukaaya (Telugu), Reetha (Sanskrit/Hindi). Its scientific name is Sapindus, sap (soap) plus Indus (India). This nut was used not just in ancient India, but in ancient China as well. Its usage spread to Middle Asia and Europe, from India, hence the Latin name Sapindus.

Soap nuts need to be boiled to soften them up and then crushed to squeeze out the essence. This essence is the cleanser. It has a strong, pungent odour. It is really a great and natural cleanser. Soap nuts are still used till date, at least in South India. They are sold in abundance, in local grocer shops (nowadays, even supermarkets have them). They are cheap, safe, artificial chemicals free and super effective in eliminating skin bacteria. You’ll literally have your skin squeaking after a bath. One word of caution though; they cause extreme burning irritation if they get into the eyes. So, keep your eyes safe, till you get used to using it!

Even now soapnuts are used for hair wash. Its the best way to wash our hair without using chemical based shampoos. Many of the people also use these soapnuts to wash the laundry.

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